30 Jul Why is IIRFT the best training centre to excel in ART field?
IIRFT is a specialized IVF training centre located in New Delhi. With distinct training courses, our candidates can excel in the arena of assisted reproduction technology (ART). IIRFT has trained more than 500 candidates.
International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT) has a professional team of experienced IVF specialists and embryologists who impart knowledge to prospective candidates on how to perform successful IVF treatments through and treat infertile couples worldwide.
The success of every IVF treatment mostly depends upon the equipments used. This is why; IIRFT provides a state-of-the-art lab with advanced IVF equipments. Our students are also granted free access to state-of-art-lab to improve their practical experience in the field of ART.
Who can apply?
Candidates who have qualifications in BSC, , BVSC, MVSC, BHMS, BAMS, BUMS, MBBS, MD, MRCOG, MSC , FRCOG any medical degree are fit for the training courses.
Courses offered by IIRFT
The rapid advancements in the arena of Assisted Reproductive Technologies have led to a quick rise in the number of ART clinics providing treatment and services to infertile couples all over the world. This has given splendid opportunities to professionals who are desperate to receive IVF and Embryology training to perform more successful infertility treatment procedures. With this objective, IIRFT introduced infertility training courses to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical learning as follows:
Certificate Course in ART
A certificate course in ART is meant for those who want to enhance their understanding of the principles and practices in assisted reproduction technology. At the end of this course, you will have a grasp of the complex issues surrounding the availability of modern infertility treatments and present management strategies for infertile couples.
Certificate Course in Embryology
This course gives deep knowledge on IVF and ICSI. It is a course with training on one-by-one basis on IVF and ICSI procedures with high success rates. The objective of this course is to give latest knowledge and gain perfection through quality teaming and learning sessions under the guidance of renowned embryologists.
Basic Course in Semenology and IUI
Our candidates can apply for these courses who wish to have keen knowledge about Semenology and how to do sperm preparation. This training covers investigations related to infertility, routine semen analysis, evaluation of sperm motility and morphology, sperm preparation techniques and much more. This course has a mix of teachings, lectures, hands-on-training and demos to ensure quality training and fully satisfy our potential candidates.
Advanced Course in ICSI
The course offers expert training, knowledge and skills in micromanipulation instrument handling and operations. This training module is apt for those who are well-aware of oocyte handling and IVF treatments for better IVF procedures. This course focuses on learning about sperm preparations, performing ICSI procedure, embryo biopsy and much more. After the completion of this course, you will have unparallel hands-on experience in the IVF lab and broader understanding of oocyte handling.
Advanced Course in Cryopreservation
An advanced course in Cryopreservation is ideal for candidates to become highly familiar with freezing protocols, techniques and instruments involved in sperms, oocytes, and embryo freezing.
Certificate in Fertility Nursing
IIRFT offers a certificate in Fertility Nursing training course to impart both theoretical and practical experience about all the aspects in assisted reproduction techniques. Every candidate is given an opportunity to assist our lab embryologists or endocrinologists in the IVF lab. We also give our potential fertility nurses a chance to manage the tasks of a fertility nurse single-handedly.
Employment opportunities at IIRFT
With growing infertility across the world, there is a rise in the demand of infertility experts but currently there is a great need of embryologists. That’s why; IIRFT aims to produce embryologists with invaluable knowledge and comprehensive understanding of ART procedures. Our students are employed by reputed IVF clinics in India. We also provide free internships to our students.
If you have the passion to learn about state of the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) with cutting edge technology under the guidance of Dr. Rita Bakshi & Competent Team, Get admission now by filling the details in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected] for any query.