27 Jun Training at IIRFT – How Certificate course in ART Enhance your Career?
Having the mission to train clinicians, healthcare experts and scientists in fetal medicine,infertility and embryology, the International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT)started a globally competitive training program in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Since 2012 IIRFT has successfully trained over 500 medical professionals.The institute will continue to be the best training centre to provide training and guidance to candidates for achieving academic excellence in Reproductive Medicine.
Training Programs in Assisted Reproductive Technologies
The programs have been set to mentor the professionals in getting advanced understanding of reproductive studies in India. It is headed by renowned team of medical experts who want to make the candidates at par with the latest technologies in reproductive medicine and fertility. We always aim to enhance the quality of training. The training courses can be pursued by medical graduates, gynaecologists, physicians, embryologists, andrologists, and researchers from India and abroad.
The ART Fellowship
Having talked so much about the institute and its standard, an important point must be added about the same. The ART fellowship is one of the prestigious fellowships awarded to the dedicated students who wish to get a complete hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of ART procedures in India.
About the Course: The institute is one of the pioneers in dealing with the IVF procedures. Those who are interested can gain great exposure to the application of this technique. There are various programs with different duration based on the type of certification. The students can attain proficiency in the field of reproductive surgery, reproductive medicine and assisted reproductive technology through one-on-one interactions with the experts.
Selection of Students: The selection procedure and criteria followed here is a bit exhaustive. This is done to ensure the selection of the deserving and dedicated candidates who will be able to make the best use of his training for the benefit of the people. The candidate must email their resume with the professional and academic details to [email protected]. The resume is read thoroughly and analysed. If it gets shortlisted, the candidate would receive a call for an interview. The interview is conducted to get a short overview of your abilities and your understanding of the ART industry. You also get to know how much you are aware of the technology that is being used all over the world. Once the interview is over and the selections are done, the most eligible candidates are informed about the complete details of the fellowship program.
The Curriculum: The program covers exposure to basics of male and female reproductive system, applied pharmacology, biochemistry and pathology, Ultra-sonography in reproductive medicine, diagnosis of infertility, andrology, embryology, induction and monitoring of ovulation, Intrauterine insemination, safety issues in ART, multiple pregnancies and various laboratory techniques and clinical practices.
The various training programs under IIRFT (International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training) in Delhi is one of the best certifications given to the hard working students who get groomed in this area to become excellent medical practitioners.
IIRFT is a subsidiary of IFC, which is one of the most trustworthy and technically advanced IVF clinics of India. Needless to say, the certificate course at IIRFT will surely add to your professional qualification and pave the way for a bright future. For those who want to bring revolution in reproductive health, the institute’s training program is a blessing. Under the aegis of IFC, training in ART at IIRFT will surely make an impact on Reproductive Medicine, embryology and all the other related aspects of fertility in future.