25 Apr How to Select Good Sperm through Semen Preparation Method?
Semen preparation is a very important step performed prior to intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is a process in which seminal plasma is removed from the sperms and the healthier sperm is selected. This process helps to isolate the motile fraction of sperms. It also helps in removal of seminal debris and leukocytes from the specimen, which may cause adverse reaction. This process is very significant as it helps in the enhancement of overall sperm quality. Researches in this field have shown that sperm preparation method has resulted in significant rise in the pregnancy rates. If a person is suffering from immune system disorder or unexplained infertility, semen preparation method enhances the capacity of sperm to fertilize.
Simple Wash Technique:
This technique is used to remove seminal plasma prior to intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Prior to simple wash there are few more techniques that are performed as a trial wash and are very beneficial in determining the finest sperm wash technique for the best results.
Basic Sperm Wash:
The dilution and centrifugation is performed in the basic sperm wash technique. We add sperm wash solution containing protein supplements and antibiotics to the ejaculate. The seminal fluid is eliminated from the sample after repeated centrifugation, and then the sperm cells are concentrated for insemination. This procedure takes 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
Swim-up Technique:
This technique is used to obtain a sperm sample with a motility of 90% at least, this is obtained by using sperm- migration technique, and it is totally depends upon the initial quality of the sample. We gently add a layer of fresh media to the semen sample; it is added in such a way that motile sperm will swim out of sample into the added media. Then we use these harvested motile sperm for insemination.
To learn more about Semen preparation, get enrolled in the ART certificate course and IUI certificate course at International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (Delhi). IIRFT centre has been providing ART training since 2010. The laboratory of IIRFT is well equipped with latest technology and skilled staff members. IIRFT is the best place to attain thorough understanding of the complex issues related to fertility.
If you have the passion to learn about state of the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) with cutting edge technology under the guidance of Dr. Rita Bakshi & Competent Team, Get admission now by filling the details in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected] for any query.