IUI and semenology

Embryology Training in India

The invention of new methods in assisted reproduction in the recent years has led to new changes in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Candidates who are committed to seek embryology training in India for using diagnostic tools, laboratory equipment and facilities as well as marked improvements in the training of gynecologists and embryologists have all contributed to a significant increase in pregnancy rates over the past two decades across the world. There is a wide scope for budding embryologists who are interested to contribute in the fertility industry. However, they should have extensive knowledge and experience to perform ART procedures. This is why International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT) offer short-term courses to its candidates.

The purpose of these courses is to understand and learn development and differentiation skills of human gametes (oocyte / sperm) and pre-implantation embryos through lectures and hands-on laboratory expertise.

Embryologists – Job Responsibilities : Embryologists work with people who possess reproductive problems like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or difficulty conceiving, and are looking into in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive alternatives. The main purpose of an embryologist is to work upon undeveloped egg cells (oocytes) to examine their health and check if they can overcome fertility issues. They also prepare sperms so that only the fittest are used in the process. Embryologists freeze, store, thaw and prepare all the essential materials to achieve successful IVFs. Other purposes may include removing a woman’s eggs, assessing sperm health, determining sperm levels and taking sperm donations.

International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT) have adopted many technologies and offered proper guidance to candidates in the fields of assisted reproduction techniques such as IVF, IUI and ICSI.

Employment Opportunities in Embryology: Embryology Technologists are employed at IVF clinics outside and within hospitals. Their commitment towards work plays a vital role during the IVF process. However, candidates with sound educational background and specialized knowledge of Embryology are fit to work in reproductive laboratories.

International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT) is dedicated to provide word-class training to all the individuals at all levels of their career including students, medical experts and embryologists. The team at IIRFT is headed by its chairperson Dr. Rita Bakshi, a senior IVF specialist and skilled gynecologists in assisted reproduction. She has performed over 3000 ART cycles and delivered more than 4,000 babies through assisted reproductive techniques.

If you have the passion to learn about state of the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) with cutting edge technology under the guidance of Dr. Rita Bakshi & Competent Team, Get admission now by filling the details in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected] for any query.

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