15 Nov Why to choose Assisted Reproductive technologies at IIRFT?
Infertility is becoming a major problem in India and worldwide. But modern fertility techniques and skilled gynecologist and obstetrician has resulted in reduced cases of infertility. However, the question arises how to become an expertise in fertility treatments?
The training courses from reputed institute account for proficient understanding of theoretical and practical education. Medical graduates who are inquiring for training courses for fertility then International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training (IIRFT) is the finest choice. This is India’s best IVF and embryology training institute located in Delhi. It is providing the training since the year 2010 and has trained over more than 500 aspirants. The trained medical students are contributing their knowledge in different hospitals and fertility centres.
Generally, medical students get diverted due to opening of various training institutes for certificate course. They are advised for internet surfing and to take counseling from experts before certification. Those who want to acquire certificate courses in assisted reproductive technologies should not worry about the admission fees as it offers affordable and economical fees to the medical graduates who are perusing dream for becoming expert in In Vitro Fertilization and embryology. Classes conducted in the institute are very interesting and informative taken by skilled embryologists, infertility experts and most often by Dr. Rita Bakshi.
What is unique in IIRFT?
- Medical sessions conducted by infertility experts
- Well-equipped and advanced laboratory
- Demonstration classes, live presentations for better understanding and for bright future.
- Interesting and informative classes
- Affordable Admission fee
Following fertility courses are offered at IIRFT includes:-
- Certificate course in ART
- Embryology
- Basic course in semenology and IUI
- Advanced Course in ICSI
- Advanced course in cryopreservation
- Certificate course in Fertility Nursing
Who can apply?
This course is opened for both national and international students.
- Medical Graduates
- Gynecologists
- Physicians
- Potential Embryologists
- Andrologists
- Researchers and Ttechnologists
If you have the passion to learn about state of the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) with cutting edge technology under the guidance of Dr. Rita Bakshi & Competent Team, Get admission now by filling the details in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected] for any query.