Planning to pursue Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Course in India?

International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training is India’s leading training institute for the courses in the field of Assisted Reproductive technology Technologies. IIRFT offers varied range of ART courses. IIRFT is the best training institute to offer ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) course in India.

What do you need, to pursue ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) Course in India at IIRFT?

International Institute of Reproduction and Fertility Training offer a five-day advanced course in ICSI. Any medical graduate or a graduate with life science background can enroll under the course. Advanced course in ICSI is more suitable for candidates who are well versed and experienced in oocyte handling and IVF procedures.

Main objective of Advanced Course in ICSI at IIRFT is to provide one-on-one comprehensive training and is devoted to candidates who wish to develop knowledge and skills in micromanipulation instrument handling and operation. This course will aid them in performing ICSI confidently with smooth transition.

Methods practiced at IIRFT for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) course in India

  • Basic instrumentation – Inverted microscope and micromanipulator
  • Alignment of micromanipulator and loading of micro tools
  • Oocyte preparation for ICSI
  • Sperm preparations from various types of samples like ejaculating, PESA, MESA
  • Holding of denuded oocytes & performing ICSI
  • Denudation of oocyte cumulus complex
  • Narasighe micromanipulation or Eppendorf micromanipulation or Research instrument (RI) micromanipulation workstation
  • Embryo biopsy
  • Instrument selections – Injecting and Holding Pipette selection and usage
  • Dish preparation for ICSI.
  • Sperm preparation by gradient / swim-up method.
  • Installing and aligning the ICSI instruments.
  • Oil loading into the injectors, equilibration of micro tools.
  • Loading of sperms and oocytes on to the prepared ICSI dish.
  • Sperm immobilization and loading of immobilized sperm in the injection micropipette.
  • Holding of denuded Oocyte and Performing ICSI.

Why choose IIRFT to pursue ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) Course in India?

  • Live demonstration for Oocyte denudation for ICSI, mechanical and chemical hatching, LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching) and IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection).
  • Interactive discussion and teaching sessions
  • Hands-on laboratory training sessions
  • Live lectures and multimedia presentations
  • Candidate will receive course syllabus with reading material and lab protocols
  • Controlled Access to the State-of-the-art lab at International Fertility Centre (IFC)
  • Certificate of Training (issued upon successful assessment by the instructor).

If you have the passion to learn about state of the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) with cutting edge technology under the guidance of Dr. Rita Bakshi & Competent Team, Get admission now by filling the details in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected] for any query.

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